The Art of Not Making It: with Tiffany Springle
"The Art of Not Making It" releases new episodes on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month. Talking with the best in show biz, we have intimate conversations that break down individual journeys in this Industry, battling insecurities, and what to do when you realize that the top isn't any more glamorous than the bottom.
The Art of Not Making It: with Tiffany Springle
Stacey Weingarten
Hello hello! Tiffany here.
At the time of this episode's release, I have come down with the flu. Luckily, I have a british robot man to record the introduction.
Robots: they are the future.
It's all fun and games until AI destroys mankind.
In the meantime, we've got a great episode for you today!
STACEY WEINGARTEN is an Emmy-winning multi-hypenate specializing in writing, directing, and producing musical and puppet works, especially for kids/families. She’s worked everywhere from “Sesame Street” to “Avenue Q”, with everyone from Kermit to Julie Andrews, and develops projects that promote social awareness through entertainment. Stacey was represented Off-Broadway last year by “Rescue Rue”, a musical fairytale inspired by her rescue dog. Stacey served as a Puppet Consultant on “Blippi’s Treehouse” (Amazon), Consulting Creative Producer/Series Director/Contributing Writer for “Reading Buddies” S2 (PBS), Co-Creator/Writer of “Monica’s Mixing Bowl” (Independent) as well as “Cone of Shame” (Handmade Puppet Dreams). Other favorite Bookwriting projects include time-travelinʼ sci-fi rock opera “Ludo's Broken Bride”; chanson-infused historical-fiction “5th Republic”; 1890s gender-affirming Storyville tale “Madame” (w/L Morgan Lee). A former DG Fellow, Stacey teaches puppetry at Pace, volunteers as the Children’s Media Association's LA Chapter President, and promises not to put puppets in anything unless it's appropriate.
Stacey Weingarten is directing her play, Runaway Rue, at the Fringe Festival in LA!!! Dates are June 4, 9, 11, 17, 18. You can find more details at RueTix.com
This is a really special episode and I'm grateful to call Stacey a friend.
New episodes of The Art of Not Making It every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. Subscribe so you never miss an episode.
Here it is. The Art of Not Making It.